Friday, May 18, 2007

tattoo update...

it's looking even better today...!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I got my tattoo today! WOOOOT!

I wanted one of these:

But I settled for this:

Sooo happy! I'll post more photos after it's healed and is looking even better.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

random photos

alphius and balius

check out the cool reflection of the coke can on my desk.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

30th post!!!



Well, I haven't posted in a while. I've had a buttload of tests and essays, and internet access is expensive at college, so I haven't been good with the posting.

Soooo, what's been happening with me... The bimboes I'm living with are still bimbos, but there are a few really lovely girls that make up for it. Like my buddy Alice, who I go to the women's collective with. She's just been appointed SRC union board member and she's totally good. Also, there's my ex's ex, who, despite the complicatedness and potential for awkwardness, she's great and we've been hanging out a bit. Also, there's her friend Amelia who I've befriended, and she's great. She's into writing, like me, and a stress head when it comes to assignments, like me, and is an editor for the uni newspaper. So things are doing better.

Me and Kate made a podcast a few days ago, too. It was totally amusing and fun, so I'm thinking I might do a few to upload (if I can figure out how to) to keep you guys update with my loveliness. Will see how that goes.

Also my best friend Georgia is returning from being in Canada for ages and she's coming over soon, so I'm very excited.

Okay, that's all I can think of. Will upload some photos or something soon.