I must say I am very impressed, I dont think if you added up all the studying I did in undergrad and graduate schools adds up to what you have to do for these exams. You are going to do great! See you at christmas, and maybe even OZ
Cadence I agree with Lippy, plus I think it might be safe to also add all the time Jason put into studying along with Leslie and you still win. Keep up the good work it will do you well in the future. Your proud Aunt Barbara :)
Yo, Cadence. Just dropping by to point out that the amount of work and preparation you do as indicated by your blog is mind-boggling and deeply frightening, especially to me. And I mean this as a compliment of the highest order, you know. I'm sure it will serve you very, very well. (My plan, however, is for the whole "anti-establishment rebel is a poor student, becomes smart and visionary as an adult, dies young in tragic circumstances and then becomes famous" sort of career, so my personal lack of study is preparing me well for that.)
lol - i'm extremely late to the party, but i recognized your desk setup & couldn't help but express my sense of ikea pride! :) i have the same bed/desk thingy! exciting!!...okay - i'll just hide again :)
I look like George Michael when I'm in drag, which I find very amusing. I'm living in the centre of gay-town with an excellent flatmate, and I'm in second year Social Work at USyd.
I must say I am very impressed, I dont think if you added up all the studying I did in undergrad and graduate schools adds up to what you have to do for these exams. You are going to do great! See you at christmas, and maybe even OZ
Cadence I agree with Lippy, plus I think it might be safe to also add all the time Jason put into studying along with Leslie and you still win.
Keep up the good work it will do you well in the future.
Your proud Aunt Barbara :)
Yo, Cadence. Just dropping by to point out that the amount of work and preparation you do as indicated by your blog is mind-boggling and deeply frightening, especially to me. And I mean this as a compliment of the highest order, you know. I'm sure it will serve you very, very well. (My plan, however, is for the whole "anti-establishment rebel is a poor student, becomes smart and visionary as an adult, dies young in tragic circumstances and then becomes famous" sort of career, so my personal lack of study is preparing me well for that.)
Anyway. Good luck for your remaining exams.
lol - i'm extremely late to the party, but i recognized your desk setup & couldn't help but express my sense of ikea pride! :) i have the same bed/desk thingy! exciting!!...okay - i'll just hide again :)
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